Legal Practice Areas
Tax & Trade: Engaged in major tax bills over four decades, with expertise in trade complexities and delivering results.
Tax Policy
Williams & Jensen provides clients with counsel and a range of services on both narrow and broad tax issues. Taxation is central to a wide range of policy issues in Washington D.C., and is the lever government often uses to change decision making and encourage or discourage activities by companies and individuals. The firm was founded with the primary mission of advancing the tax policy interests of clients, and that focus on tax remains a core practice area for Williams & Jensen.
The firm brings many decades of experience developing and implementing creative solutions to a client’s tax problem. We have been in the trenches on every major tax bill in the last forty years. We can provide a complete approach on tax issues, from working with a client to develop a unique strategy to address the client’s issues, to drafting legislative or regulatory language to produce the desired outcome, to finally taking that proposal to the Congress or the Treasury and IRS and getting results.
Advancing, tracking, and monitoring specific tax legislative and technical proposals.
The firm has achieved considerable success on behalf of our clients, including enacting stand-alone tax legislation and numerous accomplishments in almost every piece of major tax legislation enacted in the last forty years. We work with clients to develop comprehensive strategies that capitalize on their strengths, address any weaknesses and are designed to lead to success – all while considering the best policy and political approach to successfully achieve their goals.
Williams & Jensen has a consistent record of effectively achieving legislative and regulatory victories for clients in the international trade arena. We have worked with the House Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees on a wide variety of trade issues. We also have extensive experience with the Department of Commerce, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), the International Trade Commission (ITC), and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Over the years, the firm has worked with domestic manufacturers, negotiated with significant trade players, and crafted solutions to address longstanding trade problems while avoiding traditional political pitfalls.
Among our notable achievements for clients, we overcame significant historical opposition to lowering tariff barriers to imported wool by obtaining substantial tariff relief for the Tailored Clothing Association, made up of U.S. clothing manufacturers and smaller custom tailors. Enacted as part of the “Trade and Development Act of 2000” and then the “Trade Act of 2002,” this tariff relief was extended in the “Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act of 2004.”
Services we provide trade-related clients include:
Using trade negotiations to leverage client’s position seeking enforcement of law.